Web sites, emails and phone numbers for SF State departments are listed below, in alphabetical order.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W
Website | Phone | |
Biology, Department of | biology@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1548 |
Bookstore | sfsu@bkstr.com | (415) 338-1931 |
Broadcast and Electronic Communication Arts (BECA) | beca@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1787 |
Budget Administration & Operations | budget@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1463 |
Bulletin | bulletin@zao-miyazushi.com | |
Bursar's Office | Bursary service requests | (415) 338-1281 |
Business, College of | cobus@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1276 |
Business Computer Lab | buslab@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1812 |
Business Graduate Office, College of (off-campus) | mba@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 817-4300 |
Business Operations | busops@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2565 |
Website | Phone | |
Dean of Students | dos@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-3888 |
De Bellis Collection | debellis@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1649 |
Decision Sciences, Department of | ds@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2138 |
Design, School of | design@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2211 |
Development Office | develop@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1042 |
Developmental Psychology | psych@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2167 |
Disability Programs and Resource Center | dprc@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2472 |
Division of Undergraduate Education and Academic Planning | ueap@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2206 |
Document Delivery Services | dds@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1727 |
DPR (Degree Progress Report, degree audit) | Gator.eDegree@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2350 |
Dropping/Adding Classes | records@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2350 |
Website | Phone | |
Facilities Archives and Data Management | rkilhick@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-3008 |
Facilities Information System (FIS) | rkilhick@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-3008 |
Facilities Services | facilities@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1568 |
Faculty Affairs and Professional Development | facaffrs@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2204 |
Family, Interiors, Nutrition & Apparel | fina@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1219 |
Family Nurse Practitioner | sfsucel@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 405-7700 |
Fellowships Office | fellows1@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 405-2128 |
Final Examination Schedule | ||
Finance, Department of | findept@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1107 |
Financial Aid Office | finaid@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-7000 |
Fine Arts Gallery | gallery@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-6535 |
Financial Services | fiscal@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2649 |
Foundation | sfsufdn@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 405-4061 |
French Program | french@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1421 |
Future Students | ugadmit@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-6486 |
Website | Phone | |
Gator Greats | pubcom@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1665 |
Gator Smart Start | gatorsmartstart@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 405-0435 |
General Education Policy | ueap@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2206 |
Geographic Information Systems Certificate | sfsucel@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 405-7700 |
Geography & Environment, Department of | geog@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2049 |
German Program | mll@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1421 |
Gerontology Program | pace@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 405-3483 |
Global Museum | museumst@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2176 |
Government & Community Relations | govrel@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2517 |
Graduate Fellowships | fellows1@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 405-2128 |
Graduate Studies | gradstudies@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2234 |
Graduate Studies - Career Planning and Division of Graduate Studies | gradstudies@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2234 |
Graduation | commence@zao-miyazushi.com |
Website | Phone | |
iLearn | ||
Information Systems, Department of | is@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2138 |
Information Technology Services | service@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1420 |
Institute for Civic and Community Engagement | icce@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-6419 |
Institute for Geographic Information Science (GIS) | igisc@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-3566 |
Institute for Holistic Health Studies | ihhs@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1413 |
Institutional Analytics | service@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1111 |
Institutional Research | institutionalresearch@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-3376 |
International Business Certificate | celglobal@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1438 |
International Business, Department of | ib@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1107 |
International Programs, Office of | oip@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1293 |
International Relations, Department of | ir@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 405-3917 |
Italian Program | mll@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1421 |
Website | Phone | |
Japanese Program | japanese@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1421 |
Jewish Studies, Department of | jewish@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-6075 |
Journalism, Department of | jour@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1689 |
Website | Phone | |
Kinesiology, Department of | kinesiol@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2244 |
Website | Phone | |
Labor and Employment Studies Program | labor@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-7391 |
Labor Archives and Research Center | larc@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 405-5571 |
Lam Family College of Business | cobus@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1276 |
Lam Family College of Business (off-campus) MBA for Executives | emba@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 817-4320 |
Lam Family College of Business (off-campus) MBA Program | mba@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 817-4300 |
Lam Family College of Business Student Services Center | cobssc@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 405-3531 |
Latina/Latino Studies Department | latinos@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-6160 |
Liberal & Creative Arts, College of | clca@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1471 |
Liberal Studies, School of | ls@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-6927 |
Library, J Paul Leonard | library@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1854 |
Loans and Collections | fiscal@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2144 |
Longmore Institute on Disability, Paul K. | pklinst@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 405-3528 |
Website | Phone | |
New Student Programs | nsp@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-3060 |
Nonprofit Management Certificate | sfsucel@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 405-7700 |
Nonresident Alien Taxation | fiscal@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2325 |
Nursing, School of | nursing@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1802 |
Website | Phone | |
Office for the Protection of Human and Animal Subjects | protocol@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1093 |
Office of Emergency Services | oes@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-7300 |
OneCard | onecard@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-3619 |
One Stop Student Services Center | records@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2350 |
Open University | sfsucel@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 405-7700 |
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) | olli@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 817-4243 |
Website | Phone | |
Quality Assurance | qateam@zao-miyazushi.com | |
Queer Cinema Project | symons@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1629 |
Website | Phone | |
Race and Resistance Studies | resist@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1645 |
Recreation, Parks and Tourism | rpt@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2030 |
Registrar's Office | records@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2350 |
Registration for Courses | records@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2350 |
Research and Sponsored Programs, Office of | orspinfo@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-7094 |
Retirement Association | retire@zao-miyazushi.com | |
Russian Program | russian@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-3334 |
Website | Phone | |
Teaching and Learning | iteach@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 405-5550 |
Tech Central | (415) 338-1420 | |
Professional Writing & Rhetoric | engdept@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2264 |
TESOL Program | matesol@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2660 |
Theatre and Dance, School of | tha@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1341 |
The SAFE Place | safe_plc@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2819 |
Title IX | vpsaem@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2032 |
Transcripts | records@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2350 |
Transfer | transferinfo@zao-miyazushi.com | |
Tutoring and Academic Support Center | tutoring@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 405-5516 |
Website | Phone | |
Undergraduate Admissions | ugadmit@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1113 |
Undergraduate Education and Academic Planning | ueap@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2206 |
University Advancement | advance@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2517 |
University Corporation, San Francisco State University | ucorp@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-7123 |
University Enterprises | ucorp@zao-miyazushi.com | |
University Housing | housing@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1067 |
University Ombuds | ombuds@zao-miyazushi.com | |
University Police Department | upd@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-7200 |
University Womens Association | blemarch@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-7419 |
Urban Studies and Planning Program | pace@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 405-3483 |
US Japan Institute | usji@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2448 |
Website | Phone | |
Veteran Documentary Corps | bernardi@zao-miyazushi.com | |
Veterans Services | veterans@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-2336 |
Vista Room | vista@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 405-4100 |
Website | Phone | |
Wetlands Science | wetlands@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 819-2073 |
Women and Gender Studies | wgsdept@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1388 |
Work Control Center | plantops@zao-miyazushi.com | (415) 338-1568 |